Paxton United Methodist Church exists to grow and share God’s Love.
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Times for Fellowship and Food:
Tuesday, March 4, 6:00pm: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Lent and Easter Season Services
- Tuesday, March 4 – Pancake Dinner, 6:00
- Ash Wednesday Service, March 5 – 7:00 PM
- Sundays During Lent – “The Psalms of Lent” Theme in Worship
- April 13 – Palm Sunday Service
- April 17 – Maunday Thursday – 7:00 PM Worship
- April 18 – Good Friday Service – 7:00 PM
- April 20 – EASTER Service – Breakfast at 8 AM, 9:15 Worship
It’s a SWEET time of year!
Paxton church has a long-standing tradition of making Easter eggs. It is fun, a great way to interact with people and help support the church financially. Come join us each Monday morning in January and February. See Bill Toner to volunteer or to purchase eggs. Find out more here.

Adult study during Lent:
During our adult class after worship on Sundays, we’re exploring “Finding Jesus in the Psalms: A Lenten Journey” by Barb Roose. This study will be led by Cindy Radich, with support from Pastor Gary. The book is available for a suggested donation of $20.00. Instead of giving up something for Lent, consider adding something: let the study of the Psalms become part of your daily scripture reading.

Hey High School Seniors and College Students:

Opportunities to Give and to Serve:
* Peanut Butter Challenge: Superintendent Rev. Dr. Gary D. Weaver issued a challenge to the River Valley District to gather peanut butter (and other nut butters) for local food pantries during Lent. Last year, Paxton UMC gathered 200 jars of peanut butter that went to Manna and Hanna Food Pantries. Can we beat that number this year?