Welcome To Paxton Church!
We extend a special welcome to you- yes, you!
Come and rejuvenate your spirit. Hear the word of the Lord. Meet your community. Deepen your roots.
In Jesus’ name, Paxton Church offers its unconditional, neighborly, “Hello.”
Join Us for Worship…
Sundays at 9:15 am
Worship is in-person and live streaming on both YouTube and Facebook, or watch any time at either site.
Children are welcome at Paxton! Children’s activity bags are available for use during worship services. The family can choose if they would like to stay together in the worship service, or to have young children cared for in our clean, bright, and safe Play and Learn room.

… And then stay for Growth and for Sharing God’s Love!
You can take a next step toward a consecrated life! Share your thoughts and prayers with the church by completing this form. You can also use this form to provide/update your contact information with Paxton.