Worship Music
The Paxton Church Choir practices on Wednesdays at 7pm and sings in worship once or twice a month. PLEASE JOIN US! For a specific schedule, contact the church office.
You often hear that firewood warms you twice. Well, singing in the choir warms you THREE times! First, during practice on Wednesday nights you are warmed by the fellowship shared. On Sundays, your heart warms as you offer this special praise and worship to God. And then, when you are out mowing the lawn or driving to work, you find yourself humming the tune or singing those songs of hope and inspiration and you feel God’s presence warming you once again. Come share in the heartwarming experience!
Do you have a musical talent you’d like to share with others? At Paxton Church we are always looking for those with musical talent to enhance the worship time during our services. Whether you play an instrument, sing solos or like to accompany others in doing so, we are interested in having you participate!